Female Voices: Speaking to a Changing World

Contest Open for Submissions

We are excited to invite writers of all backgrounds to participate in our literary contest for the anthology "Female Voices: Speaking to a Changing World (A Modern-Day Wisdom Anthology)." Let your words ignite conversations, challenge perceptions, and inspire minds. Together, we can shape a brighter future by amplifying the wisdom and strength of women's voices.

Don't miss your chance to be a part of this remarkable anthology. Submit your work today and let your words make a difference!

Are you ready to contribute your voice to an extraordinary project that recognizes women as the nurturing leaders and inspiring wisdom teachers of our world?

We are thrilled to announce the launch of an empowering contest for our anthology: "Female Voices: Speaking to a Changing World (A Modern-Day Wisdom Anthology)." This anthology aims to be a beacon of wisdom, reminding us all of the importance of speaking our truths and living meaningfully in today's modern world.

In a society that often values material success over emotional well-being, the wisdom of women shines as a guiding light. As mothers, daughters, sisters, and leaders, women have the unique ability to nurture and inspire those around them. This anthology seeks to capture and celebrate the invaluable wisdom that arises from these experiences, providing a source of inspiration for individuals seeking to live meaningful lives.

Regardless of where you find yourself on your writing journey – whether you're taking your first steps or have already established your voice – we invite you to share your insights, stories, and reflections. We are seeking poetry, essays, and nonfiction pieces that honor the role of women as custodians of wisdom and explore how we can create a more meaningful existence for ourselves and those around us in the modern world.

Your submission fee of $10 for up to 3 poems or $15 for essays and nonfiction represents more than just a contribution to the anthology; it symbolizes your commitment to nurturing a collective wisdom that can shape a brighter future. By sharing your unique perspective, you have the power to inspire others to live authentically, with compassion and purpose.

This contest is not merely an opportunity for publication; it is an invitation to join a community of like-minded individuals, united in their desire to uplift and support one another. Together, we will weave a tapestry of wisdom that celebrates the role of women as mothers, leaders, and advocates for a more meaningful existence.

Submit your poems, essays, and nonfiction pieces to our contest and become part of an anthology that illuminates the path to a more meaningful life for yourself and others.

Let your words become an essential part of "Female Voices: Speaking to a Changing World (A Modern-Day Wisdom Anthology)," a testament to the timeless wisdom of women as mothers, friends and leaders, guiding us all towards a more meaningful and fulfilling existence in our modern-day world.

Literary Contest Guidelines

"Female Voices: Speaking to a Changing World (A Modern-Day Wisdom Anthology)"

We are excited to invite writers of all backgrounds to participate in our literary contest for the anthology "Female Voices: Speaking to a Changing World (A Modern-Day Wisdom Anthology)." This contest celebrates the wisdom and unique perspectives of women, offering an opportunity for your work to be published and recognized. Along with the chance to contribute to this transformative anthology, we are pleased to announce monetary and publication prizes for the winners.

Submission Categories:

  1. Poetry: Submit up to 3 poems that embody the theme of female empowerment, the evolving world, and the wisdom of women.
  2. Essays: Share your personal experiences, reflections, and insights through thought-provoking essays that delve into the meaningful existence of women in our modern society.
  3. Nonfiction: Contribute nonfiction pieces that shed light on the wisdom and leadership of women, providing guidance and inspiration for navigating the changing world.

Submission Guidelines:

  1. Eligibility: This contest is open to writers of all genders and backgrounds.
  2. Originality: All submissions must be original and previously unpublished.
  3. Word Count:
  • Poetry: No strict word count limit. Poems should not exceed three pages per poem.
  • Essays: Maximum 2,500 words.
  • Nonfiction: Maximum 3,000 words.
  1. Formatting: Submissions must be in English, double-spaced (for essays and nonfiction), and use a legible font (e.g., Times New Roman, Arial) in 12-point size.
  2. Entry Fee:
  • Poetry: $10 for up to 3 poems.
  • Essays and Nonfiction: $15 per entry.
  • Payment can be made through the payment link provided after submission.
  1. Multiple Entries: Participants are welcome to submit in multiple categories, but each entry requires a separate submission and entry fee.
  2. Deadline: Submissions must be received by June 1, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered.


  1. Monetary Prizes:
  • First Place: $150
  • Second Place: $100
  • Third Place: $50
  1. Publication:
  • Selected entries will be published in the anthology "Female Voices: Speaking to a Changing World ( A Modern-Day Wisdom Anthology)."
  • Published authors will receive two complimentary copies of the anthology.

Selection Process:

  1. All submissions will be reviewed by our panel of esteemed judges who are passionate about promoting female voices and wisdom.
  2. Entries will be evaluated based on originality, creativity, relevance to the theme, and overall literary merit.
  3. Winners will be notified via email and announced on our website and social media platforms.
  4. Winning submissions will be announced in July 1, 2024 and publication is planned for Winter 2024.
  5. Winning entries will also be considered for publication in Serenity Cafe Magazine; and writers may be offered a featured interview in the Showcase Artist or Showcase Poet section of Serenity Cafe Magazine.


  1. By submitting your work, you grant us the right to publish your piece in the anthology and any associated promotional materials.
  2. All other rights will remain with the respective authors.

How to Submit:

  1. Submit via email to scmedia620@gmail.com (With FVA, type and submission eg: " FVA poetry submission") in the subject line. Attach submissions as a PDF or Word document.
  2. Once your submission is received, you will receive a payment link. Submission is not complete until payment is received.
  3. Include a brief bio (100 words max) highlighting your writing background and any relevant achievements.
  4. Please list submission title, length, and form (eg: "Speaking to the Children of my Children, 1845 words, essay") in the email.

We are excited to receive your submissions and discover the remarkable wisdom you hold inside. Let your words illuminate the path to a more meaningful existence for yourself and others.